Life is all about making choices, and they come in varying degrees of significance. Some are as minuscule as deciding between two or two and a half teaspoons of sugar, and others are whether your current partner is someone whom you would want around at your lowest point or not. No one has all the answers and anyone who claims to is not someone you should take seriously. We are freestyling this life thing, but we all need some sort of method to our madness. A process of elimination to guide us when we feel lost and uncertain. A process that we can rely on so that whatever the outcome, we can live with it. I have made many choices in my life and said a lot of things, I am not proud of some and I am ashamed of others. I find that with decisions, it is often best to choose the option that would cause the least amount of harm if it were the wrong one. If people were discussing the choice you are making in 50 years’ time, could someone defend you in good conscience without playing...