The way things are
The systems and rules we live by were made by man and therefore can be changed by man. “It is the way things are” and “that’s how it’s always been done” are no longer good enough. If we could all unanimously agree that slavery was unacceptable and that no human should own another human no matter the circumstances, or religious/political, and cultural justification, then surely we can amend other aspects of society. The people who put certain systems in place were ordinary men who had personal agendas, be they racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or a combination. These systems were set in place by those who were historically in positions of power and I do not think it would be a stretch to say that these people did not exactly have the best interests of mankind in mind when creating these systems. A simple visit to the history section of any library will shed light on this. We have already started to challenge and have changed many of their systems from colonisation and slavery, all...